About Me

Mother to 2 sweet girls who were born in China. and a very happy little baby boy from Vietnam. Wife to a loving husband Chris. Also mom to dogs, cats, and birds. I am a very tired pediatric ER nurse.

Friday, April 11, 2008

To Claire

Claire you are the Dylan Whisperer. You calm down his fiercest storms. You show so much love and devotion for your family and I am so proud of you. You gentle spirit makes even going to the food market enjoyable. Everyone loves you, ...we love you to the moon and back. You are the kind of daughter of fairy tales and fantasy...but you are real! You are my joy and my life. Thank you for being you, my Claire-bear. I love you! This is a tribute to your spirit.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

He is moving...fast!

Thanks to my new digital converter driver, I am free of the camera cables that I always loose. I may loose this new device...but they are in stock EVERYWHERE, and are cheap! So I can blog and post and have some fun.

Dylan is walking! he turned one and the buzzer went off. All get up and go, no more pick me up. He holds up his hand, wiggles his fingers, as in "let's go", and we are off. If I try to pick him up he puts 50 pound weights in each pocket and turns into jelly. The man wants to walk, and fall and hit his head, and eat dirt and rocks. He also loves to throw his food. When he is full or fussy he rolls it around like hot dice and then...FLING! After awhile this looses its charm, so I went back to feeding him. Not to be outdone he now spits out the food, mashes it into a mess and then wham! across the room. Bailey could not be happier, I think they have a secret pact.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Happy birthday Da da!

Happy birthday to my awesome dad. You always make me laugh and smile.

You also feed me some pretty good food, and I cannot wait until my mouth is big enough to sink into one of your sandwiches. They look good.

You also always play with me, and are never ever too tired or too busy.

We all love you.

Yesterday was your birthday, you were 32. Mom said something about she is happy you are finally catching up to her. Why do we all get older every year except for her? How long has she been the same age? Ok, back to you...you took me to your favorite car place. The Stables in Peapack. You showed me my first Ferrari, but I liked the red classic 1966 Mustang.

Good thing Mommy likes cars too!

I love the way you hold me and make me feel safe and warm.

You even saved me from that great big horned scary goat thingy!

The best part is all the cool things you teach me, you are the best Da da in the world and I love you so so much!