About Me

Mother to 2 sweet girls who were born in China. and a very happy little baby boy from Vietnam. Wife to a loving husband Chris. Also mom to dogs, cats, and birds. I am a very tired pediatric ER nurse.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Drama 101

An ordinary day, I woke up after being quite ill for 4 1/2 days. You know how it is when you get really sick. All the catch up, laundry, things you have been planning on doing, but could not due to illness. Dylan fell asleep for his am nap, my friends were coming over and I needed to straighten up. So testing my wobbly legs I started on the bathrooms working my way to the 3rd floor to clean out the hamster cage. So bathrooms cleaned I sat down before the hamsters. I picked up Buttercup (Claire's pet) and put her in the spare cage, I went to pick up Taco, and BAM! I think I squeezed out about 7 peanut sized hamster newborns! Better than a cup of coffee to wake you up. AND I thought the dam thing was just getting fat! Within seconds of my telling the girls, (thanks to cell phone fairies), the house was full of kids needing to see our newest additions. We are the new freak show.

Later that day as the girls googled "hamster babies" I had questions like, "what does weaning mean?", and my favorite "Did you know that store bought hamsters frequently canibalize their young?". Yeah more drama.

Oh and today, Emily and her friends decided that they needed to start a sting trio (Cello, violin, viola) and learn to play music to make money at weddings. So now they are all about getting sheet music, and downloading songs. What happened? I don't know what to say because all they want to so is practice. I think this is more shocking than squeezing out live hamsters. Who raised these kids? Did I?

Tonight I decided to see what makes Dylan so elated over tossing his food, and I grabbed a bowl of cheese nips and started trying to hit my husband on the head with the little orange squares. He came back at me with handfuls. The dog loved it. I can now say that throwing food is indeed fun, and does make you laugh.

Here are some pictures from one of summers simple pleasures that put the kids in a happy trance...The ice cream man!!! I wish I could find something that would make me as happy as they get when they hear the music from the ice cream truck. Oh wait...Maybe... if there was a traveling wine bar/margarita/martini/whatever on a truck. All the moms would be out, I think I would go a runnin out to! Can you picture it? I can.

This cracks me up....


mam said...

That's so funny -- Taco had Taquitos!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love Mam's comment! How funny!

Anonymous said...

If they are stressed, they will eat their young. Yuck.

Tim just said your Dylan now looks like Zubin. I love the haircut on him.

Anonymous said...

What a cute video.. Gosh I can't believe how big they are all getting...

Miss you


Bobby said...

Ok, every time you share how busy your life is I run screaming back to my own.

Anonymous said...

I just laughed so hard reading your post, then I read Mam's comment and died laughing all over!! thanks guys, i needed that!