Summer is here, gas is over 4 dollars a gallon, food is ridiculously expensive, and what can we do? Dylan says we need to dance, and play with Tupperware. When these things get old and stale we can mix it up with splashing in the dogs water dish and throwing mashed up food as far as we can fling it, or kicking off your shorts during diaper changes. If you feel especially overwhelmed you can throw yourself on floor and kick until your shoes come off your feet. Sometimes playing in a small pool with a cup can relieve stress, fill up the cup, dump it out over and over again. You can always play peek-a-boo at the gas station! Hands clasped over your eyes, is it 70, 80 or more for this tank. Then you can have a meltdown if is goes higher.
We are becoming homebodies, enjoying the simple pleasure of summer. It took the price of gas to slow me down somewhat. A perfect morning is watching my son dance his chubby legs off to Rhianna and Beyonce. We spend time in the garden I weed, he fills a cup with mulch, I water the plants he darts after the water spray.
In 1 week the girls are off to a camp in the Adirondacks for 2 weeks. I feel frantic letting them go. Wasn't it yesterday they were dancing around the house in princess dresses, and playing with barbies in the pool? I know they will have a blast, and it is valuable to experience life on their own, but this is the first time for us all.
All I can say is I need to savor more of everyday, life speeds on by, and never runs out of gas. You cannot place a price on memories. Like the girls on Tuesday, waiting up to way after midnight for me to come home from work, just to talk and cuddle. Yesterday while I was in the shower I look over and there is Dylan sitting on the floor playing with a coin and a plastic cup. Reading Good Night Moon and Dylan kissing "the 2 little kittens", Claire loved the quiet old lady whispering "hush", And Emily's little finger always found the mouse.
What a very sweet post. And what a beautiful family. Dylan's favorite activities sound a lot like Lucy's...oh, the dog's water dish is a wonderland. Does Dylan take the occassional sample of dog food, too?
Your kiddos are absolutely fantastic!
Such cuties!
Look at you and your long hair. Love it.
Those girls get more beautiful all the time. And Dylan is getting so big. Glad to see you posting again.
Sandra wanted to add you loves you hair too. And as always cute family!
What a wonderful post-especially the last sentence :) Memories-they are the best!! Could we arrange a marriage between Isabella and Dylan?? Think they would be ready in about 30 or 40 years??
I can't believe how big everyone is getting.. To me that is what life is about anyway.. The simple pleasures of life....
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