Well, hi again. I have to apoligize for being such an unblogger, but as all you parents of toddlers know...shit happens!
Today was one of those days.
I took Dylan to a local train museum. He was so adorable, checking out all the engines, counting all the RR tracks, tossing the gravel. I was almost in tears as we left, he was saying "bye bye and blowing kisses to the engines" OMG I could eat him!
Then. On the way home. I stopped at Toys R US... and the tantrums began! He is one of "those" kids that you hear (anywhere) and say a silent prayer inside to thank God, YOUR kid is not like that. Oh yah! That one screaming, turning purple, twisting about on the floor. THe one arching his back, kicking off his shoes and socks, snot EVERYWHERE...is my kid....Today it went on for 2 hours straight, and then an encore at 6pm for 30 minutes. His all time record is 2.5 hours. My favorite part to all of this is the well meaning moms that share there own person horror stories, the gentle pats on the back from total strangers, as if we re all in this together.
Todays tantrum was over a ball. We have about 100 at home, and Dylan loves them. We have balls from every store, including a starbucks ball. Loves balls with all his heart. Loves them so much that when I walk into a store with the great big cage of balls it is like heaven opened up a door and is hanging a ladder and a light over those bloody balls. I try distraction, blindfolds, sprinting by them, and it worked today almost. A sweet well meaning 5 year old boy handed a ball to Dylan. It was almost as if he handed him a beer or a dead animal, my response was about the same. So after awhile the ball needs to go back, and Dylan will not have any of it. The best part is, he knocked me over as we were leaving the store (wailing at the top of his lungs), there I am on my bottom, he is screaming, and I just am like trying to be a good mom and not loose it.
So now here I am. He is sleeping, it is over. Tomorrow is a new day. A day with out balls, we are ball-less, the anti-ball, just say no to more balls. Love the balls you have at home. Life is to short to have so many balls. reminds me of an AC/DC song I used to love!
Oh Lord! I can relate with EVERYTHING!!!!! Thank the higher power that he was smart enough to provide us with children as well as cheap wine!
OMG, I am so sorry for your pain, but so thankful for that laugh and deep sigh it gave me;) Hysterical. Tomorrow you can Dare to Say No to Balls. Because friends don't let friends collect balls.
Btw, I was just re-reading a few of your older posts and got yet another laugh thanks to Dylan's Loyd Christmas haircut...and on second thought, maybe the kid deserves a new toy afterall:) LOL! He's so cute!
Thank you for posting again. It makes my heart happy.
Train museums are great. I am glad you all had fun. He looks so serious. Funny how boys are like that.
Hey look on the bright side - it's not a motorcycle he wants, YET!
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