About Me

Mother to 2 sweet girls who were born in China. and a very happy little baby boy from Vietnam. Wife to a loving husband Chris. Also mom to dogs, cats, and birds. I am a very tired pediatric ER nurse.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

No new roof..yee haa!!!

The people buying my house decided not to ask for a new roof. They probably got the vibe that I would flip out if they asked for it, or googled my name (like I did theirs), read this blog and got the message here.
Thanks for all you support. Lets pray the oil tank is okay.
Does anyone know a good place to buy a camera cable? I need to post pictures very soon because there are so many good things and blessings in my life. As Bobby ponted out we have had these kids for almost 4 months after Christmas. Not a day goes by that I do not give thanks for the gifts in my life. Dylan has given us so much more love. Sometimes I look at him and my heart fills up with such love I can hardly bear it. I never knew love like this. He is happy being held, happy being fed, happy crawling about...happy just being anywhere his family is.


Anonymous said...

Go to Radio Shack. They sell them for everything.

As for the roof. Yeah. Good news.

In January, we will have had Zubin longer than he was in the orphanage. That is very cool.

Bobby said...

or if you want to just get it online:
