About Me

Mother to 2 sweet girls who were born in China. and a very happy little baby boy from Vietnam. Wife to a loving husband Chris. Also mom to dogs, cats, and birds. I am a very tired pediatric ER nurse.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Lunch at our house, much like millions of others across the world, except this is my Dylan, and I am melting. This little guy is my best buddy, we really have such a great time. Our rapport is so easy, like breathing, we don't miss a step...except for today when we were raking more stinking leaves, I was breaking up the sticks and he ran around behind me. I was snapping a huge branch and he took it to the forehead. I thought I twigged him in the eye, but thank God he just has an abraison above his eyebrows. I felt like...just awful. He is fine. My little tank.


Anonymous said...

Yum, yum.

Bobby said...

Dylan sounds just like Lily! PEASSSSSS. TANK UH. Are they reading from the same book?