About Me

Mother to 2 sweet girls who were born in China. and a very happy little baby boy from Vietnam. Wife to a loving husband Chris. Also mom to dogs, cats, and birds. I am a very tired pediatric ER nurse.

Monday, March 30, 2009

1st Hospital Admission

My little man is a rag doll. It started off with an ear infection, then a few days later some vomiting, very sleepy not eating, but drinking. Then the diarrhea sent in. After 2 days of the worst I've ever seen, he just could not keep up with the fluid losses. Believe me, I work in a pediatric er I know all the tricks and am not one to jump the gun. But I feel bad because his CO2 was 12, which means pretty dry. Even after a fluid bolus and then some he was still lethargic and still having diarrhea. So here we are. He is in the crib and I am in the bed next to him. I hope he wakes up tomorrow and is a new man, full of life and silliness! Sleep tight little man, we all love you and are rooting for you. Poor Daddy is a mess at home. He loves you so so much (we all do). Bailey may starve with out the extra food he steals from you.

PS. I am having my gallbladder out on Friday! It is pouring! But not bad stuff, just....stuff.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy. Thinking of you both. I hope Dylan pops back and that they take your gallbladder to gallbladder heaven. Fill me in when you can. And we owe each other a phone call when you come up for air.

Bobby said...

Life is really a roller coaster ride isn't it? I hope Dylan is feeling better today. I have several friends who had their Gallbladder taken out. I don’t think you’ll be picking up the little guy for a while. And IF you have too, at least you don’t have a 40 pounded, like Lily’s friend.

Anonymous said...

Thanks my friends. He just puked up his breakfast and had a massive diarrhea. So much for going home at noon! He can stand up and walk though and is showing interest in toys!

mam said...

What a little trooper, to have interest in toys when he's clearly feeling so punky! And oh, getting my gall bladder removed was the best thing ever...such pain before, such blessed absence of pain after! Hope all returns to normal, fast.

Dawn said...

I hope you are both on the mend soon.