About Me

Mother to 2 sweet girls who were born in China. and a very happy little baby boy from Vietnam. Wife to a loving husband Chris. Also mom to dogs, cats, and birds. I am a very tired pediatric ER nurse.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Raise your hand if you want breakfast! or dogs behaving badly.

This is our view from the counter. We always say raise your hand if you want X. Bailey is on one side, and we are all seated on the other. Sometimes we toss him food for kicks! Really bad dog training, but so much fun for us!

This is breakfast time in our house. Poor Claire making the lunch. Dogs ready and waiting.

Okay... I can explain. We left cereal unattended. The house was too quiet, and I snuck into the kitchen to find...THIS! Never happened again, but we really laugh everytime we look at this picture. Not my dog...

I really have no excuses for this one, except I saw a commercial for disposable plate wipes, and I thought...COME ON...all you need is one dog and a very hot dishwasher!


Anonymous said...

Oh, nothing like a pup who can reach the counter.

Anonymous said...

you have been tagged. go to my blog.

mam said...

Oh my god, Bailey on the counter is too funny! and an admission: we do dog-as-dishwasher too. What's the border-collie mix (Molly, right?)...is she short? Can't quite tell, but you might have our Simon's sister on your hands. Simon's a mix between a dacshund and an Australian Shepard...40 pounds of misshappen goodness. But horrible horrible to envision the mating.

Kathryn said...

I had doggie dishwashers as a child. Of course, my mom put the plates and bowl in the real dishwasher afterwards, but the dogs always loved this part of the meal. Do you think this contributed to their weight problems?

dreamer said...

ok, seriously, how the heck did the dog get on the counter? was there a chair? Are your counters lower? Our weimeraner can put paws up, lean her head in about a foot, but that's it, the counters are at neck height and she's such a woose that she'd never jump up alone.