Claire getting ready to hike.
signing in at the trail head
Natures play ground
Posing at the summit
Claire loves to gather flowers
Emily clearly loves to hike!
We sat back and enjoyed the clouds
Nothing can compare to hiking the mountains with kids. Especially my kids. Claire was happy today, collecting flowers, holding my hand. Em on the other hand was, well, cranky. She was miserable the entire way up, on the top, missing the view. Everyone was a "butt", or something equally as bad. Pre teeness has kicked in full swing. At least Claire just lets go and has a 1 hour tantrum, Em's mood can really wear you down. She did perk up on the way down. Charming. She is funny at the lake and the pool, any male person wearing a speedo is quite a conversation piece. Claire calls it swim model wear, Emily calls speedo's wrong. I think I agree with Emily!
We had a great day, despite my horrid passion for the moutains. We ended the day with the movie Underdog. Very G rated and cute. Walking back I kept trying to sing "Good Morning Baltimore", and dance. It was awesome to see how much I embarrassed the kids. They were priceless because they really thought I was going to sing and dance in the street. I had them going...if I only knew the words. I always wanted life to be a musical.
Your girls are beautiful. That looks like a much-needed trip!
Gorgeous pictures! Sorry to hear about travel dates getting pushed again and that delay wrecking vacation plans. Darn, that just stinks.
Hi mom!Good goob making the blog.It looks great!!!!
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